AOTR is pleased to bring you an interview from Denise Coleman. Please check out her new book and show your support!
AOTR: Please tell us about yourself and your debut book.
Denise: I was born and raised in Camden, NJ and feel richer for the exprience. I have four children and for the last thirteen years, I've been working in child protective services at DYFS.
My novel, Drama with a Capital D is a story about self examination and growth. The main character, Lonnie finds herself mixed up in some rather painful and drama filled situations. She'd like nothing more than to remove herself from the ugliness however, she repeatedly failes to see how her own behavior perpetuates the drama.
AOTR: Why did you write your book and where did the inspiration come from?
Denise: I wrote Drama simply because I love to write. To be an author is probably the only dream I've ever had. Without a doubt, I had to pursue it.
The biggest inspiration in my life is my family. It is because of them that I do what I do. It's important to show my children that dreams absolutely can come true.
AOTR: What do you hope people will take away after finishing your book?
Denise: The one thing I want people to take away from reading my work is ...no matter how bad it seems or how many times you get it wrong, you can change anything for the better. To grow from life's experiences is a true joy.
AOTR: What important lessons or teaching where you trying to convey?
Denise: The main lesson in the story is that life is going to happen. Good and bad exist together. To stand strong and positive in it all will take us far.
AOTR: With so many books on the market, what sets yours apart?
Denise: I believe the realism and humor of Drama sets it apart from what I've been reading lately. There are so many authors I enjoy reading today but, our lives aren't solely based on sex and or drugs. There are still every day people who have difficulties to contend with and my novel encompasses one of those stories.6. Drama with a Capital D should be read quite simply because, it's a realistic, relatable, enjoyable page turner!
AOTR: In one sentence tell a reader why they should read your book for their next selection.
Denise: Drama with a Capital D should be read quite simply because, it's a realistic, relatable, enjoyable page turner
AOTR: If you had a chance to have dinner with any author dead or alive, who would it be? What is one question you would ask him or her?
Denise: If I could have dinner with anyone it would be Donald Goins. I'd like to ask him about his experiences with getting published during a time when very few African American titles were available to us.
AOTR: What is the best advice someone in the book industry gave you? What advice would you give to someone right now trying to get published?
Denise: Honestly the best advice I've ever received was..."Don't stress. Just take it one sentence at a time."
My adviced to up and coming authors would be to find a great editor and listen to them. Don't make the mistake of thinking you know everything. Professional editors see things about our stories that we may not catch. They truly are a blessing at bringing out the best in us.
AOTR: How did you go about becoming a published author?
Denise: My journey to getting published was a great deal of luck and maybe just a bit of destiny. Once I had a completed project, I made a list of publishers and began sending in submissions. Melodrama was at the top of my list and fortunately, they liked what I wrote and offered me a contract.
AOTR: If you were not an author what career field would you be in?
Denise: If I couldn't write I would definitely do what I'm doing now. It is truly fulfilling to work in a field that's all about being there for our children.
AOTR: What do you pray your legacy will be?
Denise: I would like to leave a legacy of hope, courage and conviction. Dream big and go for it!
AOTR: Can you give us an ideal on what you are working on now?
Denise:The next piece on the horizon is a coming of age story about four female teens who are forced to move in with realtives they barely know. This occurance changes them in ways that lead each girl in a direction in her life no one could have predicted. More drama and more laughter for sure.
AOTR: How can readers contact you and find out more information about you and your books?
Denise: Readers can follow me on Twitter which is the best way to reach me directly, @ DeniseRColeman.
Facebook @ Author Denise Coleman's fan page. My blog, WWW.Truewordsdc.blogspot.com and of course they can check me out on Melodrama publishing.com
Denise's favorites:
Day- Saturday
Holiday - Thanksgiving
Food - Lasagna
CD- Anything Jay Z
City - Camden
Friend - All of my friends are my favorite. They are amazing people! I'm so blessed!
Quote- Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined-Thoreau
Book- The autobiogrophy of Malcolm X.
Teacher - Every black woman I've ever had the pleasure of learning from.
Pasttime - Reading!!!!!!
This was a great interview. I am glad to find out more about Denise Coleman! My favorite is lasagna too! I loved Drama With a Capital D and can't wait for her next book!